FAQ for Plant Biosecurity & Plant Germplasm and Quality control Section
  1. Are there any restrictions on exporting plants or plant products?
    Yes, exporting certain plants or plant products may be restricted or prohibited to protect biodiversity, prevent the spread of invasive species, or comply with the requirements of the importing country.

  2. What is a phytosanitary certificate?
    A phytosanitary certificate is an official document issued by the plant protection organization of the exporting country, certifying that the plants or plant products meet the phytosanitary regulations of the importing country and are free from pests and diseases.

  3. What are the penalties for non-compliance with import/export regulations?
    Penalties for non-compliance can vary but may include fines, confiscation of goods, or legal action. It’s crucial to adhere to regulations to avoid these consequences.

  4. Do we need an import permit for the import of soil?
    Yes, soil is the main source for carrying plant pests and diseases including nematodes.

  5. What is the purpose of quarantine measures for imported plants?
    Quarantine measures are in place to prevent the introduction and spread of pests and diseases that could harm native plants, agriculture, and the environment of the importing country.

  6. Which plant species are banned for import?
    Eucalyptus species, Populus Spp, Thujia spp, Cuppressus Marcocarpa and Crytomeria japonica.

  7. What is Seed Certification?
    It is the process of certifying seeds and seedlings after inspection at different stages of plant growth as per the Minimum seed standard of Bhutan 2019. (https://www.bafra.gov.bt/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Minimum-Seed-standards-of-Bhutan-2019.pdf)

  8. What is the purpose of Seed Certification?
    The purpose of seed certification is to ensure the quality, purity, authenticity of seeds, traceability and consumer confidence as well as to help in market access.

  9. Is it mandatory to register a seed-producing nursery?
    Yes, all farms involved in the commercial sale of seeds and seedlings must register with BFDA and get their seeds/seedlings certified prior to sale or distribution. It involved inspection at the seed growing sites usually three inspections in critical growth stages are conducted.
    a. For nursery registration
        –  Technical Clearance from the department.
        –  Site details.
    b. for seed certification
        – Trade license.
        – Cropping calendar.
    The inspection depends on the season, type of crops and cropping calendar.

  10. What quarantine treatments are required for certain plants or plant products?
    Wood packaging materials and timbers imported should be accompanied by heat treatment certificate/fumigation certificate

  11. Are there any quarantine pests or diseases that I should be particularly cautious about when importing plants?
    Yes, kindly check the Plant Quarantine Pest Database in the BFDA Website (list attac)

    Drop this FAQ as there is No link and the list is yet to be updated.

  12. What are the regulations and permits required for transporting plants and plant products within the country?
    Unless a quarantine zone has been established or a plant with quarantine pest is notified, no permit shall be required. However, for the above two cases, visit the nearest BFDA office and process for in-country movement permits. All plant and plant products on transit via foreign routes should be compulsorily accompanied by the in-country movement permit.

  13. Can you provide information on the quarantine zones or restricted areas that affect the movement of certain plants?
    Gyelposhing, Mongar due to the Giant African Land Snail (GALS) outbreak. Citrus due to citrus greening.
    1. a. How can I get an import permit for a plant and its products for personal consumption and how much is the fee?
    – Apply to the nearest BFDA office to get a personal import permit. The fee is Nu. 100.
    b. How can I get an import permit for a plant and its products for commercial use and how much is the fee?
    – Apply to the nearest BFDA office for a commercial import permit, the applicant should submit a valid trade license and for individual a copy of CID. The fee is Nu. 300.

  14. Can I bring cut flowers into the country?
    Yes, after obtaining import permit from the nearest BFDA office

FAQ for Veterinary Public Health & Biosecurity Section
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