Certification Services
- What is certification?
Certification is a set of procedures that guarantee that a product or process conforms with the specified standard. The purpose of certification is to demonstrate that the specified requirements are met. - What is a certification body?
A certification body is a third-party conformity assessment body operating certification scheme(s). - What is a certification programme?
Certification programme is the system of rules, procedures and management for carrying out certification of a product or process, including the standard against which it is being certified. - What is accreditation?
Accreditation is a third-party attestation related to a conformity assessment body conveying formal demonstration of its competence to carry out specific conformity assessment tasks. - What are the various certification services provided by BFDA?
BFDA provides certification services under the following three certification schemes:
BFDA product certification scheme covering food products.
BFDA product certification scheme covering organic products
BFDA product certification scheme covering Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) products - What are the essential requirements to be possessed by a manufacturer or producer for applying to BFDA for obtaining certification?
For obtaining certification, the manufacturer or producer must have requisite manufacturing infrastructure, appropriate process controls, quality control and testing capabilities for the product or process as per relevant Standard. - How does BFDA grant the certification?
BFDA grants certification based on successful assessment of the manufacturing infrastructure, process controls, quality control and testing capabilities of the manufacturer through a visit to its manufacturing premises. Conformity of the product or process to the relevant standard(s) is also established through independent laboratory testing or testing in the manufacturing premises or a combination of both. The process flow for BFDA’s product certification system can be found at www.bafra.gov.bt - Where can I get the application forms for certification?
The application forms for certification along with the initial questionnaire are publicly available at The hard copies of the forms and initial questionnaire are also available at the nearest BFDA office. - Where do I submit my application for product certification?
BFDA accepts applications for product certification in both hard copies and electronic formats. The application can be submitted to the nearest BFDA office or it can be emailed to BFDA-CS at bfdacs2023@gmail.com - Can I submit one application for the same product being manufactured at different factory locations?
No, a separate application for each factory location is required to be submitted, even if the product and the relevant Standard is the same. - What is the fee applicable for certification?
No, there is no fee for the certification service provided by BFDA. All the certification costs are borne by the Royal Government of Bhutan. - What is the timeline for the grant of BFDA’s product certification license?
The average time taken for grant of product certification license is generally three months from the date of acceptance of a fully complete application, following the stop clock principle. - What is the validity of BFDA’s product certification license?
The product certification license is valid for three years. A surveillance audit of the certified client is carried out by BFDA at least once in 12 months. - How should one apply for the renewal of a license?
For renewal of validity of license, BFDA issues a renewal notice to the licensee, three months before the date of expiry of the license. The licensee shall submit the renewal application to BFDA in the prescribed form, at least one month prior to the expiry of license. The renewal application is publicly available at: https://www.bafra.gov.bt/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/BFDA-CS-PR7.9-02-FM-01-FORM-APPLICATION-FOR-RECERTIFICATION-RENEWAL-Issue-03-01-March-2023.pdf - What are the duties and responsibilities of the owner of a manufacturing unit holding BFDA’s certification license regarding factory/farm surveillance?
a. The certification license holder is required to extend co-operation to the certification officers of BFDA or personnel of the agents appointed by BFDA to carry out surveillance audits.
b. The license holder shall also share relevant records and information sought.
c. The holder needs to facilitate testing in the factory and drawing of samples for independent testing.
d. The license holder shall be required to deposit samples to the designated laboratory as per advice of BFDA certification officers. - I have already got a certification license from BFDA for the product as per the relevant Standard in my factory. Can I use this license on all varieties of the product being manufactured in the factory?
No, one license is granted by BFDA for one product or one Standard (however, the license may cover more than one variety/grade/size etc. specified/covered in the standard). The products and its varieties on which Standard Mark can be used is mentioned in the “Scope of license” granted to the client. It cannot be used for other product varieties not covered in the scope. However, you can get the scope of license changed (inclusion or deletion of varieties) with reference to the standard against which license has been granted. - What is the procedure for intimation regarding change of address or shifting of the manufacturing unit?
BFDA’s certification license holder is required to inform BFDA of its intentions of shifting the manufacturing unit to a new address with relevant documents for the new premises similar to the documents submitted at the time of application to BFDA for grant of license. The licensee on its own shall suspend the use of the Standard Mark under intimation to BFDA on relocation of the manufacturing unit to new premises. The revocation of suspension may be done by BFDA after verification of the old premises and verification of production process at new premises. - I have purchased a food product bearing BFDA’s Certification Mark but I have doubt regarding its authenticity. How can I check whether the product is genuine?
To check whether the Certification Mark is genuine or not, you may check the standard number and the license number marked on the product or the package. Verification of the license number marked on the product can be checked from the publicly available Register of Licenses granted under https://www.bafra.gov.bt/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/BFDA-CS-Registry-of-Certified-Clients_-Last-Update-20240330.pdf
If the marking is not genuine, you may complain about it to BFDA through the toll free number BFDA, Ministry of Health, Thimphu or visit the nearest BFDA office. - What are the provisions of complaint and appeal against the decisions of BFDA in regard to certification?
The client has a right to complain to BFDA about aspects of the certification service provided. The client may also appeal to BFDA against its decisions on issuing, maintaining, extending, suspending, withdrawing, or terminating certification. In all these cases, BFDA deals with them in accordance with procedures for handling complaints and appeals, respectively.