Food Quality and Safety Division
BFDA provides following registration and licensing services;
- Food Business Registration and Licensing
A person who intends to operate a food business shall obtain a food safety license from BFDA to operate the food business. A food business that complies with BFDA GHP/GMP Criteria for Licensing of food business will be issued food safety license. The operator shall apply to BFDA for licensing of food business by filling in the application form. The issuance of the Food Safety License is done in accordance to BFDA’s Food Safety Licensing Process; a simplified flow is described below:
- Food Business at project stage at the time of application
- Food Business with an established structure at the time of application
2.Suspension/ cancellation of Food Safety License
BFDA shall suspend/ cancel the license when the Food Business contravenes the terms and conditions of Food Safety license and provision of Licensing process
BFDA Inspection Services ( BFDA- IS)
- BFDA IS – Quality Policy
- BFDA IS- Impartiality Statement
- Scope of Inspection Services
- Procedure for Maintaining Confidentiality of Data and Information
- Procedure for Handling Complaints
- Procedure for Handling Appeals
- Procedure for Publicly Available Information
- Procedure for Operation of Impartiality Committee
- Inspection Procedure– Licensing Process for Food Businesses
- Guideline For Use of Food Safety License Mark on The Food Product Label
- Procedure for Management of Impartiality and Conflict of Interest
BFDA issues food handlers license after a health interview, training on food safety, and signing an undertaking that the food handler and all those under their supervision avoid themselves from handling food under certain conditions of illness as listed below;
- Hepatitis A (Jaundice)
- Diarrhoea
- Vomiting
- Fever
- Sore throat with fever
- Visibly infected skin lesions (boils, cuts etc.)
- Discharge for ear, eye, and nose
BFDA conducts the Food Handlers’ Training, free of charge, for all people who supervise and/or handle food or food contact surfaces. The training is conducted for the food handlers working in food processing units, meat shops and street food vendors. The trainings are uniformly provided throughout 20 Dzongkhags based on standard training manuals as below, which are also available for download:
Import procedures
- The application for a permit to import GMOs and product derived from GMOs for direct use as food, feed or for processing shall be accompanied by:
- A duly filled application form;
- An Import Permit fee of Nu. 500; and
- All required documentation requirements as per Guidelines for Handling Applications for GMOs and their products- For Guideline, (Click Here)
- For issuance of import permit for approved GMOs intended for further processing, the applicant is required to have in place processing facilities approved by the relevant authorities.
- All GMOs intended for imports shall also meet the biosecurity requirements as per the Plant and Animal Quarantine regulatory requirements.
- For approved GMOs, the applicant shall process for Import Permit at least fifteen (15) working days prior to the intended date of import and the Authority shall issue a permit, with or without conditions, within ten (10) working days of receipt of the application, if it fulfills all the biosecurity requirements.
- Applications for permit pertaining to GMOs which have not been approved, the Authority shall review and process the application as per the administrative procedure for GMO approval ( Receipt of an application ii. Screening for completeness iii. Safety assessment iv. Public participation v. Decision making and communication).
- Products derived from GMOs may be imported into Bhutan only at officially designated border points.
- The permit issued shall be used solely by the person to whom it is issued and is not transferable to any other person.
- The permit shall be valid for a period of sixty (60) days from the date of issue, but may be renewed for 30 days unless there is non-compliance to any of the imposed condition.
Export Procedures
- An application to export GMOs shall be made in the form prescribed by the Authority with Export Certificate fee of Nu. 500.
- Applicants may process for export certificate at least fifteen (15) working days prior to the intended date of export.
- Products derived from GMOs should be exported from Bhutan only at officially designated border points.